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Friday, October 15

Faculty, Studes back World Teachers Day

by: Dianne April Pangilinan

Mariveles National High School- Poblacion rejoiced for World Teachers Day last October 5, 2010 in Mariveles Sports Complex.

The program was formally opened by Mr. Quirino G. Barlis, Secondary School Principal- III and Mr. Jonathan T. Tabbun, faculty president who full- heartedly extended their warm greetings to all their co- teachers.

The certificates were then given away next to every mentor of each year level which served as a way of showing appreciation to their hard works.

What became the liveliest part of the program was the presentation prepared by teachers from each year level.

The audience was all amazed as the teachers grooved to the music showing their bubbliest sides.
The sections with the best cards made were also awarded with certificates for winning in the card making competition.

Every teacher went out field with gratitude for the love and appreciation reflected unto them.
The realization of the program was through the effort of the Supreme Student Government (SSG).

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