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Friday, December 26

CAT Studes Launch Outreach Program

by: emnhs04

Mr. Daved Salvador, MAPEH Teacher, led the launching of Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) Outreach Program as part of their community service at Bayanbayanan of Aetas, Brgy. Upper Biaan, Mariveles, Bataan last December 17, 2008.

The program was successfully arranged through the great participation of 4-Star and 4-a students, together with Mr. Elgin Mancilla, AP Teacher, Mr. Elmer Baracao and Mr. Carlos Magday, TLE Teacher.

CAT students exhibit their talents through breakdancing, comedy skit and singing. They also prepare some snacks for the aeta children.

Though CAT students walk a mile to reach the place, this program touches the heart of everyone, seeing the smile in their lips and hearing those sweet laughter which ease the tiredness of CAT students.

The program was ended by gift giving which was led by Mr. Magday, Mr. Mancilla, Mr. Baracao and other SSG Officers. Mrs. Banal, Biaan School of Aeta teacher, impart their appreciation and gratitude for the program.

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